Monday, November 14, 2011

Looking To China As A Model For The U.S.

As I brought up here, I didn't understand why folks are looking to China as a model to the U.S.  Here is Michele Bachmann:
“So what would I cut? I think, really, what I would wanna do is be able to go back and take a look at Lyndon Baines Johnson’s The Great Society.
“The Great Society has not worked, and it’s put us into the modern welfare state. If you look at China, they don’t have food stamps. If you look at China, they’re in a very different situ — they save for their own retirement security. They don’t have pay FDIC. They don’t have the modern welfare state. And China’s growing. And so what I would do is look at the programs that LBJ gave us with The Great Society, and they’d be gone.”
So 2011 China is better than the United States from 1965-2011?  This woman is certifiable.  China is better than the United States because it doesn't have food stamps?  Don't nearly 800 million Chinese live off of subsistance agriculture?  Sounds like the American Dream to me.  Does she think the U.S. needs more bank runs?  This is a Congresswoman, WTF?  Does the "brilliant" Congresswoman realize that the Chinese savings rate is so high because they have absolutely no health safety net?  Does she consider that a good thing?  Chinese millionaires want to emigrate from their country for 3 main reasons: better education for their children, better health care and a cleaner environment.  And where do they want to go?  Overwhelmingly, the horrible United States and socialist Canada.  This woman needs to get a reliable supply of oxygen to her brain, because things just aren't working up there.

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