Friday, March 30, 2018

Have You Ever Really Seen The Moon?

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, tomorrow is the Full Sap Moon.  This video really warms my heart.  I think it is the wonder that these people show as they look at the moon.  It helps that these folks are in the middle of LA when they are looking at it.  Humans may not be as terrible as I thought.

Good Friday Links

Here are the latest stories I found interesting:

What the Spending Bill Could Mean for Minor-League Baseball PlayersThe New Yorker 

How Loyola used information and skill -- not luck -- to reach the Final Four – ESPN

Blackhawks Play 36-Year-Old Local Accountant As Emergency Goalie - Deadspin

Flint investigator says greed and fraud led to drinking water crisis – Detroit Free Press.  I'm guessing the state attorney general (who is running for governor) won't find the wrongdoing on the state level that I think probably occurred.

A Prefabricated Tragedy - Slate.  A bit simplistic in parts, but it makes some interesting points. 

The best federal agency you've never heard of: It helps manufacturers and now Trump wants to kill it - Philadelphia Inquirer

The robots are killing Tesla – Business Insider.  That's not all that's killing it, but the piece makes some very interesting points about automation.

New Ecological Economics: Superorganism and Ultrasociality-How the agricultural revolution changed the trajectory of our social and economic evolution - Evonomics

The End of Winter - The New Yorker 

More Than 75 Percent of Earth’s Land Areas Are ‘Broken,’ Major Report Finds – Motherboard

Chicago's Awful Divide - The Atlantic  

Scott Pruitt’s Dirty PoliticsThe New Yorker.  I hate this man with the energy of a thousand suns.

The Brutal Origins of Gun RightsThe New Republic 

Republicans Promised to Cut the Deficit. It’s Only Getting Worse – Bloomberg.  Continuing a nearly 40 year tradition.  There are some great charts about how "welfare reform" isn't going to close the deficit.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Happy Opening Day

Except for Cincinnati, which has its first rain-out of the season today.

Monday, March 26, 2018

More March Links

A few stories that caught my eye over the weekend and the first day of work this week:

For Cincinnati Reds star Joey Votto, spring is about the process, not the batting average - Cincinnati Enquirer

To Save Whales, Maine's Iconic Lobster Industry May Have To Change - The Salt

How Syngenta won the war over weedkillers - Politico

China needs more water. So it's building a rain-making network three times the size of Spain – South China Morning Post.  You have to click through just for the pictures, and the description of the "rocket technology" in use.  Looks crazier than hell to me.

Elon Musk Is the Henry Ford of His Age. That's Bad. – Bloomberg

Rural hospital shutdowns force communities to take care of their own – CNBC

Can the Most Hated Man in West Virginia Win? – Politico.  This dude is too ridiculous to be a cartoon villain.  Why do Republican voters flock to the biggest pieces of shit and believe every ridiculous lie they tell?

The Battle For Paradise – The Intercept.  Rich assholes versus Puerto Ricans.

Land of the Lawless - Lapham's Quarterly

In California's rural, conservative north, there are big dreams for cleaving the state – LA Times.  If rural voters are for it, it is probably a very bad idea.

How Trump's Protectionism Could Backfire - New York Times.  Great maps.

Retirees Reshape Where Americans Live – Wall Street Journal.  I don't really care about the retiree angle.  I just wanted to show the map of where rural areas are declining in population.  Downstate Illinois looks awful.