Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fourth Cutting

I got my hay mowed for the fourth time this year.  I didn't know if I would get it done before my haybine gave out, but I made it.  A newer haybine, or dare I dream, discbine, is on the wish list this fall.  Hopefully the crop insurance check makes it.


  1. That's a pretty sweet deal. Farming is the only industry I can think of where you can buy insurance to make sure you never lose money. In this sue happy society one has to wonder how long it will be before someone who owns a box company or a fast food chain sues the government for discrimination when they don't make a profit in their business?

  2. That is an example of your politicians in action. Republicans are in line to make the insurance program better for farmers so they can cut the direct payments. Unfortunately for livestock farmers, they have to depend on disaster payments because there aren't any other supports in the farm bill. Anyway, compared to defense contractors, farmers aren't welfare queens.
