Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chart of the Day

From Ritholtz:


  1. Voters in the United States need to realize if you want to be like Greece you need to raise taxes immediately. Not sure who will bail out the country but it didn’t stop the Greeks from going down the path of no return. US GDP and debt are neck and neck. That’s a great appetizer. Oh and social security is underfunded. But fortunately you have ol’ chuckles and his boss telling everyone its going to be ok. At least Romney has the balls to say we have to make tough choices. He might not have all the answers. Hell he might not have the right answer but it takes a real leader to stand up and give the public a dose of reality. Let us all cross our fingers and toes and hopefully Obama will get reelected and get the country on the fast track to destruction. Socialism has proven to be so historically successful throughout the world. Let’s get this party started! Long live Chavez! Redistribute the wealth! Hooray!

  2. Cutting taxes on rich people isn't making the tough choices. Romney is a douchebag who will slash government spending, just like the Greeks. He has different answers every day. Anybody thinking that Republicans have the answer to anything need to get their heads out of their asses. Romney says he'll build a bigger Navy. For what? We've got like half the world's navy.


  3. Douchebag? Your talking about our President, sonny. Have some respect for the future office holder. The end of the Obama regime is near.

  4. The proper word is you're, you dipshit. I'll show some respect for him when he quits lying to me.
