Friday, November 9, 2012

Map of Racist Tweets

Jezebel, via The Atlantic:

In case you were hopeful that Obama winning a second term was some kind of indication that racism doesn't really exist anymore, check out Twitter. The amount of hate speech, referring to the president as a "nigger," a "monkey," calling for violence and for the south to "rise again" was depressing—and eye-opening. Here is incontrovertible proof (as if we needed it) that racism isn't just some imaginary talking point invented by liberals, but an actual problem. What's sadder is that many of these Tweeters seem to be in high school, who don't have the flimsy excuse of being raised in "another time." If you believe the children are our future, then our future is fucked.
Wow, the upper Midwest represents way more than I would guess.  However, I am in no way surprised that Alabama and Mississippi lead the nation.  Maybe my pet troll will comment on this.


  1. You might find the attached article interesting since all of your posts are so one-sided and shallow. It also negates your whole argument since it clearly shows pro-Obama tweets use the same words.

    So how would the day after turned out if Romney had won? For all the racism you profess I didn't see much of it transforming into anything. Unless your a total idiot you know exactly what would have happened the day after. . .

  2. I'm glad to see the Black Panthers got mentioned again. Anybody who threatens to assassinate Romney should be investigated by the Secret Service. I don't know how many such tweets were sent out, but they are just as stupid and tasteless as the ones highlighted in the article I posted.

    As for what would have happened had Romney won, we'll never know, because Romney didn't really come close to winning.
