Thursday, February 7, 2013

So God Made A Banker

This is a brilliant piece of art:
To be read in the voice of Paul Harvey.
And on the eighth day God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need someone who can flip this for a quick buck.”
So God made a banker.
God said, “I need someone who doesn’t grow anything or make anything but who will borrow money from the public at 0% interest and then lend it back to the public at 2% or 5% or 10% and pay himself a bonus for doing so.”
So God made a banker.
God said, “I need someone who will take money from the people who work and save, and use that money to create a dotcom bubble and a housing bubble and a stock bubble and an oil bubble and a commodities bubble and a bond bubble and another stock bubble, and then sell it to people in Poughkeepsie and Spokane and Bakersfield, and pay himself another bonus.”
So God made a banker.
God said, “I need someone to build homes in the swamps and deserts using shoddy materials and other people’s money, and then use these homes as collateral for a Ponzi scheme he can sell to pensioners in California and Michigan and Sweden. I need someone who will then foreclose on those homes, kick out the occupants, and switch off the air conditioning and the plumbing, and watch the houses turn back into dirt. And then pay himself another bonus.”
God said, “I need someone to lend money to people with bad credit at 30% interest in order to get his stock price up, and then, just before the loans turn bad, cash out his stock and walk away. And who, when asked later, will, with a tearful eye, say the government made him do it.”
God said, “And I need somebody who will tell everyone else to stand on their own two feet, but who will then run to the government for a bailout as soon as he gets into trouble — and who will then use that bailout money to help elect a Congress that will look the other way. And then pay himself another bonus.”
That is hilarious.  The model for this work is here. Somebody has to be doing "So God Made a Lawyer."  Although I thought bankers and lawyers were the spawn of Satan.


  1. Hey, I liked the Dodge ad. The pictures were shot in Montana which look a lot like western North Dakota where I lived. And yes, Harvey was pretty obsolete even in 1979. That's not really a problem—agriculture is applied science so we all know it evolves.

    But the story is good. Farmers traffic in life. Farmers must be involved with their community. Farmers must be technologically literate. Farmers DO like it when they have kids who knowing what is involved, want to go into farming anyway.

    All I know is that at my Superbowl Party, everyone fell silent for this ad. With the exception about half-way through someone asked, "What's this trying to sell?"

    Of course this "God made a Banker" ad is beyond superb. Notice no one has turned this into a YouTube yet. Making these things like the Dodge ad is really harder than it looks.

  2. I liked it, too. And more importantly, the girl I like really liked it (and she professed her love for Paul Harvey). However, I knew everybody on my facebook feed would love it also, and since I am a natural-born contrarian, I couldn't let it go without some kind of comment. However, since I stray away from letting all my neighbors know what I think (there's a reason I go with the nom de plume on the blog), I didn't call out the Dodge ad on facebook.

    But, yes, the banker thing is too true. And the amazing part is that your guy Thorstein Verblen and the Grangers and all the 1890s Populists would have been able to relate to both the God Made A Farmer and Gad Made A Banker posts.

  3. As someone who enjoys play-acting as if I am a member of the Farmer-Labor Party or the Non-Partisan League and TB Veblen is still alive, the Dodge Ad and this banker parody have made it seem like I have some new friends.

    Don't tell your squeeze what a pain in the ass Paul Harvey could be. Let her think he was this sweet old guy with a healthy appreciation for agriculture and leave it at that.

  4. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully I'm not hardheaded enough to manage to pick a fight with her over Paul Harvey. I'm sure I'll find some other way to screw things up.
