Thursday, October 31, 2013

Killing Bugs with Fire, and Flame Cultivation

Whenever I post something with a photo of a spider, I can reliably predict that the first or second comment will be “OMG Kill it with Fire!!11!!”
It’s happening more and more often, and it’s not my imagination. When you look at trends in use of the phrase, it seemed to become common in 2007, and has been slowly creeping up since then. About the only event in 2007 that I can plausibly relate to “Kill it with Fire!” is the release of Microsoft Windows Vista.  In general, attempts by members of the general public to kill things with fire (spiders or insects) end in disaster. (examples given)......The only legitimate use of fire for control that I know of is using fire for weed control in agriculture.  It’s usually given the quite awesome name of “Flaming for Pest Control.”  Here is an example:

This is why agriculture is so awesome, BTW. There just aren’t that many professions where you get to drive a giant flamethrower. Flaming is generally used in organic systems, which is a bit puzzling, since it uses propane, diesel, and produces lots of greenhouse gases.
While that is badass, it just doesn't seem like a very good idea to me.  

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