Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Paul Ryan's Wet Dream Budget

It is only a dream, and it gets bros like him off:
House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., released a fiscal road map for the next decade that would raise no taxes, repeal President Obama's health care law, and fundamentally alter Medicare benefits for future retirees. Ryan claims the result would be a balanced budget by 2024.
"This is a plan to balance the budget and create jobs, and it builds off a simple fact: We can't keep spending money we don't have," Ryan said Tuesday.
The budget plan is not expected or really even intended to become law; it is designed to outline Republican priorities and goals for taxes and spending over the long term. But the GOP-led House of Representatives will spend the next two weeks debating it anyway.
The Ryan budget would cut spending by $5.1 trillion over the next decade to achieve balance by what the government spends to what it collects in revenue by 2024.
Those cuts come in the form of steep cuts to domestic programs ranging from food stamps to college loan programs, among others, while protecting defense spending. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., criticized the plan as a budget that "once again asks those with less to give more and those with more to give less."
Ryan's plan also calculates savings that Democrats decry as gimmicks, such as counting savings projected to come from the Affordable Care Act while simultaneously calling for its repeal. In order to achieve balance, Ryan also uses a new method to account for savings by counting the "macroeconomic effect" of deficit reduction as a hard spending cut, which could chafe some of the GOP's fiscal conservatives who do not like to equate potential reductions with actual cuts.
This is a budget proposed by the Republicans' "serious policy wonk?"  You've got to be kidding me.  Our economy is grinding along because consumers don't have enough money to spend, and he's proposing gutting programs that funnel money to the poor?  Does he have any clue where all those federal dollars that aid the poor go?  You know, to Wal-Mart and landlords and auto mechanics and banks and car dealers everywhere else poor people spend every dollar they get?  Does he think that slashing that aid will stimulate the economy?  Apparently, because he forecasts extra revenue from the booming growth due to his spending cuts.  What a Goddamned liar or fucking moron.  There is no other explanation for how he could propose this bullshit.  And to think Miami University, "the public Ivy," gave this jackass a degree.  Fuck me.


  1. Would I be remiss in saying that Paul Ryan is a total tool, ass-clown, Randian, lying SOB? How about a Ryan-Cruz dp combination with Bachmann at third and idiot Goehmert at first.? Win!

  2. That sounds about right. If you could get him away from the wrestling mat long enough to put him in that political lineup, I'd say Jim Jordan (local area tea bagger do-nothing-but-vote-no-and-talk-crazy Congressman) would be the designated hitter, because like a DH, he hasn't done much in the way of work in the legislative field.
