Saturday, February 12, 2011

Naked Capitalism Link of the Day

Today's link: Former Fox News employee: Stuff just made up posted at the RawStory.  I'm just shocked.  According to the source:
"Like any news channel there’s lot of room for non-news content," the former employee continued. "The content that wasn't 'news,' they didn't care what we did with as long as it was amusing or quirky or entertaining; as along as it brought in eyeballs. But anything - anything - that was a news story you had to understand what the spin should be on it."
"If it was a big enough story it was explained to you in the morning [editorial] meeting. If it wasn’t explained, it was up to you to know the conservative take on it. There’s a conservative take on every story no matter what it is. So you either get told what it is or you better intuitively know what it is."
I can sometimes watch Fox News for a few minutes, but the spin is always amazing to me.  I often go and look up the story at a reputable site so that I can actually understand what they are talking about.  The Fox take on the story is usually so slanted that if a person goes somewhere else and gets the facts, the Fox story is clearly a misrepresentation.
Actually, the last post was also in the links. I forgot that in my excitement to find out that another decent, Midwestern state is being run by a blowhard.

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