Friday, February 11, 2011

US Chamber of Commerce = mafia?

Matthew Yglesias comments on Think Progress breaking a couple of stories about the US Chamber of Commerce discussing with security companies some Nixon-style dirty tricks and intimidation plans that could be used against their progressive foes.  While I don't doubt that such schemes are considered on both sides of the political divide, I expect more from the "religious" conservatives.  I know, business interests and religious conservatives are locked in a marriage of convenience, but I see the so-called "Christians" who support the business interests in these actions are being hypocrites. I like how Matt puts it in his post:
I assume Barr would tell you he’s just doing his job. He has a duty to make as much money for HB Gary as possible, never mind the consequences. And folks at Hunton and Williams would tell you that they’re just doing their job. They have a duty to serve the interests of the Chamber of Commerce as zealously as possible. And folks at the US Chamber would tell you that they’re just doing their jobs. They have a duty to make US public policy as beneficial as possible to US Chamber of Commerce members, never mind the consequences. And executives at Chamber-member firms would tell you that they have a duty to maximize the profitability of their firms, never mind the consequences. So if you need to engage in a little public disinformation campaign or peer into people’s “Jewish church” activities, so be it. After all, it’s small potatoes compared to earning your daily bread by poisoning the environment.
But personally I’m old-fashioned and I think the concept of individual ethical responsibilities has traditionally served the country well.
Well put. Trying to push conservative values ought to actually involve practicing said virtues.

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