Sunday, August 14, 2011

That Is One Big Boar

Des Moines Register:
Tiny of Postville had the right combination of age and youth Thursday to waddle off with the Big Boar title at the Iowa State Fair.

The 1,196-pound boar is 7 years old, at least two years older than his five rivals. But his owner, Des Moines Area Community College welding student Blake Everman, 19, was the youngest escort in the weigh-in competition held at the Swine Barn.
Tiny received hearty applause from more than 500 onlookers at the Swine Barn's center ring before being escorted to the traditional pen of honor on the west side of the barn.

Crowds that an Iowa caucus candidate would envy gathered around Tiny after he was installed in the Big Boar pen.

"He always draws big crowds," said Albert Butler of Lacona, himself a show pig producer who emceed the Big Boar competition Thursday.
1,196 pounds, that's crazy.  I've had first calf heifers that weighed less than that when they calved.  That is one big pig.

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