Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mr. Obvious Headline of the Day

From Forbes, yes Forbes! (h/t Ritholtz):

US Businesses Not Being Strangled By Regulation And Taxation, World Bank Says

With the economies of the U.S. and Europe sputtering along on fumes, politicians are quick to blame regulation and taxation as the main cause of a lackluster business environment. Yet, according to the World Bank’s 212 page “Doing Business 2012″ report, released on Wednesday, there is less red tape for setting up shop in the U.S. than there is in all of Europe, Latin America, Africa and most of Asia.
Who'd of thunk it?  I can only imagine that businessmen love China because the workers there have many fewer rights than workers here.  Oh, and that $200 a month wage.  I can't believe that anyone believes the U.S. is such a terrble place to do business, and yet, Republicans sell that crap every day.  Even Forbes reports on that fact:
 The U.S. economy is suffering because of a combination of historic deleveraging, lackluster support from fiscal policy makers in Washington, and a general, yet pervasive, lack of business confidence. The U.S. economy is not suffering because of taxes, energy policy, or Obamacare as data and polls have shown consistently.
It is astounding that one political party consistently attacks America, and yet doesn't get crushed in elections.

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