Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This is What You Get When You Vote for Morons

The House Republicans can't even agree amongst themselves on a proposal to settle this fuckup they (along with that narcissistic prick Ted Cruz) brought on.  Josh Barro isn't surprised:
Roughly one-third of this caucus thinks hitting the debt ceiling and shutting down the government are great strategies to try to stop Obamacare. The other two-thirds of the party has realized all along that this strategy sucks, but they could not find any way to stop their party from implementing it — even though these "reasonable" Republicans outnumber the crazies....
Can you imagine the situation this country would be in if Republicans controlled both houses of Congress right now? Or if we had a President whose administration gets jerked around by Heritage Action in the same way that House Republicans do? It would be a trainwreck, and "reasonable" Republicans like Nunes would still be on television saying they understand it's a trainwreck, but by golly, operationally, they had no way to stop it.
There is no serious argument for Republican governance right now, even if you prefer conservative policies over liberal ones. These people are just too dangerously incompetent to be trusted with power.
A party that is this bad at tactics can't be expected to be any good at policy-making.
Voting for Republicans to run the government is like putting arsonists in charge of the fire department.  These idiotic, mouth breathing, Dominionist, dumbfuck assholes have no business being in charge of a Neighborhood Watch or a church council, let alone being the deciding votes on whether to allow a completely unnecessary default on our national debt. If you look at the Tea Party caucus very closely, you'll see some of the dumbest people to ever serve in Washington.  Unfortunately, we may just find out how dangerous that many incompetent morons in power can be.

Hopefully, the Senate, along with Democrats and what few sane Republicans are in the House, will be able to get something done to prevent a financial meltdown for no reason other than letting bed wetters play with matches.


  1. Gee, stop beating around the bush. Tell us how you really feel:)

    If you keep this up, people will say you have a hidden agenda;)

  2. You make it sound like there is only one party at fault here. The government debt has almost doubled under Obama and a democratically controlled congress, and now they want the ability to continue to spend with no talk about ways to reduce the debt. As a senator during the Bush administration a debt ceiling was reached and then senator Obama said it was wrong to steal from the piggy banks of our children, but now that he is president it is a new ball game. 7 trillion dollars later and it is still not enough.
    The “Affordable Care Act” is going to cripple our country, and this is the only way to force the democrats to act on it.

  3. First step: get rid of all of the Bush tax cuts. Unfortunately, one party refuses to consider ANY revenue increases.

    The Affordable Care Act will not cripple our country, and shutting down the government did nothing to change the Act. One more stupid action by conservatives.
