Monday, February 14, 2011

Domestic Terrorism

The New York Times follows up on the bomb placed on the MLK parade route in Spokane, WA (h/t Anne Laurie):
Nearly a month after a cleanup crew found the live bomb along the planned route of a large downtown march honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the F.B.I. is investigating the incident as an act of domestic terrorism. And Spokane has cycled from shock to relief to reassessment: have the white supremacists who once struck such fear here in the inland Northwest returned at a new level of dangerousness and sophistication?
“We don’t have that kind of intelligence level to make that kind of explosive,” said Shaun Winkler, a Pennsylvania native who recently returned to the region to start a landscaping company and a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan.
At the end of the article, Mr. Winkler goes on to demonstrate said lack of intelligence with this quote:
Mr. Winkler, the Klansman, said he still believed that the region was a good place to nurture a racist movement. And as for the bomb in Spokane, he added, “Even though we wouldn’t have participated in that, it certainly wouldn’t have hurt my feelings if it did go off.”
Maybe Fox News should cover this with the zeal it shows for the New Black Panther Party.

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