Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another Job I Can't Have

CEO of NPR.  I agree with the fund raiser, I think tea partiers are racist, xenophobic, Muslim-hating, mouthbreathing, religious-nut slack-jawed yokels.  Saying that probably prevents me from getting hired by many businesses in western Ohio, but the truth shall set you free.  Just as a crazy but successful businessman can fly his flag upside-down, I should be able to call him on it.  I just don't expect a job offer too.  Also, I'm not really interested in working for people who are disconnected from reality (sorry Fox News).

Jon Hoying, president of Fabcor Inc. in Minster, is flying his company’s American flag upside down as a protest of recent government actions (2009). (photo: Celina Daily Standard)


  1. Jon Hoying protests the possibility of the federal goverment creating "a one world order, one world currency, taking away the right to bear arms, nationalized health care, forced volunteerism, massive tax increases, regulating and taking over free enterprise, funding the United Nations population control fund, large deficits and government funded abortions." This was in 2009.

    Where's my New World Order? My taxes haven't increased (the kids offset my tax payments), and I support education as a spur to decrease run-away population growth. Wasn't the spur for volunteerism started by George Bush Senior's 'Thousand Points of Light' speech?

    Tea-Party and right-wing conservatives are scared, and I don't think they know what they are scared of. People in powerful positions always have the furthest to fall, but the tea-party is made up of lower middle class and not the top tier of society. The pervasive fear in popular rhetoric is disheartening and disappointing. I worry about raising my children to live in fear. Sadly, Jon Hoying is probably a second or third cousin to my wife.

  2. I figured there might be some relationship there.

    As for the tea party, they feel like they are losing control of their lives. They hate the lack of control, and are lashing out. 9/11 really hit home with them because they saw nearly 3,000 people die suddenly, with no ability to control their own destiny. This sudden event, combined with the slow death of the middle class, makes them look for who to blame.

    Luckily for them, Republican business interests already had a perfect villain, the liberal government. They'd been building up this villain for 20 years, while simultaineously undermining it by governing miserably much of that time. This extended campaign gives us the Tea Party. Throw in a media propaganda network, and you'll have a good ol' time.
