Monday, September 12, 2011

Leaving September 11 Behind

I agree with E.J. Dionne (via Ritholtz):
After we honor the 10th anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, we need to leave the day behind. As a nation we have looked back for too long. We learned lessons from the attacks, but so many of them were wrong. The last decade was a detour that left our nation weaker, more divided and less certain of itself.
I understand that those who were personally involved with the attacks can never put it behind them, but I wasn't personally involved.  The wars we've fought since have been a tremendous disaster, and have distracted us, while those on top economically have had their way with us.  We've spent our way to disaster over a few complete loons who were never an existential threat to our country. 

Last night, ESPN stayed on air while the Mets had some girl from American Idol sing "God Bless America."  While I like that song on occasion, it is time for cities outside of New York to retire playing it on Sundays and holidays.  It was a baseball tradition started after 9/11, and it has lost its resonance.  This would be one way to begin to move on.

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