Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bankrupt By Beanies

Bankrupt By Beanies from Chris Robinson on Vimeo.

As much as I would typically laugh, I feel bad that the guy got caught up in that craze.


  1. I was living in a small town that had an interesting library because it was connected to a huge system. So I was always especially polite to the inter-library loan staff. One, I discovered, was collecting Beanie Babies. I was horrified knowing the history of such crazes. I tried to talk her out of it—unsuccessfully. For her, it was an investment scheme she could afford.

    These stories are so sad because they rely on the belief that if you can identify the right object, it will increase in value by itself and all you have to do is watch. I say to such people—collect wine. That way if the "market" value tanks, at least you can have some great parties.

  2. The most amazing thing is that the guy who came up with Beanie Babies is a billionaire. When I saw the list, and for source of wealth it said, "Beanie Babies," I just shook my head. Yes, that was an invention that greatly improved humanity.

    As for my alcohol investments, I go with buy low, sell high, so it's cheap beer for me, and if the price doesn't appreciate rapidly, I drink it before it goes bad (or maybe I should say before it gets worse). It's worked out for me so far.
