Monday, April 18, 2011

Signs that Spring is Here

Tom Bechman gives his list:

Sign #8- Rumors are exploding that corn was planted here, and over there, and there—no one ever knows who's the first one to plant corn in Indiana, not even the person who really is, because so many rumors would just claim someone else had already planted.

Sign #9- Someone paid $5,000 for a barrow, or was it $6,000 for a gilt, and $20,000 for a steer, or was it $1,200 for a wether and $35,000 for a steer. 4-H is just getting underway and the 'who paid what' rumors are already flying. I love it when someone who raised their own or paid a minimal price wins!

Sign #10- Grandma insists on wearing her lightweight cotton shirts. Mind you grandma is 90 and never gets out of her room, where the temperature doesn't vary over 3 degrees F all year long, but it's spring, so by gosh it's warm and time to wear lightweight shirts. …And if I was 90, I would think and do what I darned well pleased too!
I will add, my own sign-the Reds are on the radio.

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