Wednesday, July 20, 2011

There Are Some Sane Republicans

Senate Republicans are showing far more flexibility than their tea party-backed House colleagues as Washington policymakers seek to steer the government away from a first-ever default on its financial obligations.
As the House doubled down on a symbolic vote to condition any increase in the government's borrowing authority on congressional passage of a balanced budget constitutional amendment and a fresh wave of spending cuts, the warm reception by many Senate Republicans to a new bipartisan budget plan revealed a thawing in GOP attitudes on new tax revenues.
The Senate GOP has been ridiculous in its use of the filibuster, but there are some sane Republicans left there.  The question is, for how long will that be the case?  As the Tea Party idiots continue to climb the political ladder, how long will the Senate keep a few sane members.  Wisconsin elected the nutty Ron Johnson, and Pennsylvania elected Pat Toomey.  The Ohio GOP was talking about Jim Jordan running, and Josh Mandel, Ohio Auditor Treasurer for about 5 months is running.  The worst thing the Republican party ever did was let the religious nuts run for school board, since then, they've plagued the state legislatures, and have slowly climbed up the political ladder, to the point where now you have Michele Bachmann, a woman I wouldn't put in charge of watching my dog (who drives me nuts), running for President.  AND BEING A SERIOUS CONTENDER!  In 2006, when I decided to run for state representative, I did it because I couldn't stand the mental midget proto-tea partier who held the office.  I was afraid people like her would become more numerous, and move into higher office.  I didn't realize people like her would be running for president in 6 years.  Unless people wake up and realize that a vote for Republicans is a vote for stupidity in power, things will only get worse.

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