Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kasich Sought to Limit Reporting on Budget

From here:
 Ohio Gov. John Kasich's office Monday afternoon reversed its plan to prohibit journalists from broadcasting sound and images gathered during a Tuesday media briefing on the state budget.
Spokeswoman Connie Wehrkamp says the reversal was prompted by concerns raised by Statehouse journalists and media outlets on Monday.
Reporters objected to rules announced earlier limiting them to notepads, pens, and tape recorders, which were to be used only to check accuracy. Video and photos also were to be prohibited.
In a letter to Kasich press secretary Rob Nichols, Associated Press Ohio bureau chief Eva Parziale objected strongly to the prohibition.
She quoted Edward L. Esposito, Vice President/ Information Media at WAKR in Akron, who said in an e-mail protesting the move:
''To deny electronic journalists the ability to use the very tools of electronic journalism in coverage of the most important budget issue in Ohio's recent history is to deny the citizens of Ohio the ability to weigh the observations and positions of Governor Kasich as precisely the time when they need to see and hear him the most. It is unconscionable to insist broadcast and Internet members of the statehouse news gathering process operate as they did fifty years ago.''
The media briefing precedes Kasich's public budget rollout at 6 p.m.
I just think the governor noticed how big of a jerk he sounds like when you can hear him talk.  It doesn't sound as bad on paper, plus people aren't likely to read it.

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