Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chart of the Day


What this says is that the system that has provided workable insurance coverage to many (but not enough) Americans is coming apart at the seams. And this in turn means that if health reform goes down, we’re going to be looking at a wave of misery spreading across the land.
Actually, if Obamacare gets struck down, instead of slowing the march to socialized medicine, the ruling will speed that march.  Also, Republican bills pushing for employers to have say in whether employees can get birth control will do the same thing.  If Republicans are opposed to single-payer health care, they have a really strange way of showing it.  Obama is subsidizing insurance premiums and getting rid of preexisting condition clauses, making insurance more palatable.  Striking down the mandate will torpedo getting rid of preexisting condition clauses, because then people can wait until they are sick to get insurance.  Really, Republicans are attacking their own insurance-friendly plan just to try to defeat Obama.  Idiots.

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