Thursday, March 22, 2012

Was Darth Vader A Great Project Manager?

Geek Wire gives the top 10 reasons why Darth Vader was an amazing project manager (h/t Ritholtz). My favorite:
Number 6: Vader managed risk and expectations…pre-emptively. Remember that time when Darth Vader went to Cloud City, bought off the management, then lured Han, Leia, and Chewbacca into a trap? Genius. The amount of planning and forethought that went in to that little exercise must have been epic. After some serious prioritizations, Vader perceived the highest risk to his Galaxy, and made a plan to mitigate the risk stat! Additionally, you saw him having conversations with team members all over the place making sure they understood clearly what his expectations were with regards to the achievement of goals. Good project managers think about their projects defensively, and act to protect them aggressively.
From my experience, he seems like the prototypical project manager:

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