Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Mystery Of Mitt

Louis Menand reviews a new book on Romney:
Everything in Michael Kranish and Scott Helman’s biography “The Real Romney” (HarperCollins) confirms the view that until 2005 Mitt Romney was a liberal Republican cryogenically preserved from the pre-Reagan era. He was a liberal on social issues, such as abortion and gay rights; a champion of government programs, such as universal health care; an anti-protectionist, “open door” internationalist; a private-sector multimillionaire who was also a personal square, completely uninterested in life-style “experimentation”; a reflexively patriotic, flag-pin-in-the-lapel sort of fellow; a wealthy man possessed of the slightly daft notion that although he had been born to privilege, every American has the opportunity (and the wish) to live as he does; a patrician with a deep sense of noblesse oblige. Since 2005, Romney has made himself interesting by getting a lot of people, including those who might vote for him and those who definitely will not, obsessed with whether, and to what extent, and in spite of anything to the contrary he might be saying on the campaign trail, he is still that person.
I can't figure Romney out.  While he appears to be the only sane Republican still running for president, he seems unable to tell the truth and appears to be obsessed with winning the nation's highest office.  I don't trust the guy, and I sure don't blame the tea party and all the other folks I completely disagree with, for likewise not trusting him.  He just comes off as not having a soul.

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